Spending so much time on Twitter has certainly changed the way I look at things. I'm starting to see more and more of the world through Twitter lenses. It got me wondering what some great quotes from history or from the movies would look like if they were actual tweets. So I started with a character who is the perfect role model for saying a lot with very few words, Farmer Hoggett from the movie "Babe." Here is my first movie tweet creation.
One of my favorite classes in college, was Structural English Grammar taught by Herman Wilson. Every week we had to write a one-page observation paper about something we "observed" in language usage. One of Herman's favorite phrases was, "You could get an observation paper out that." I've adapted that idea to observe how leaders and sales professionals influence and persuade. The title of this blog is a reminder to me of Herman and his amazing talent to observe and comment.
Inspired thoughts by Farmer Hoggett and yourself.