November 21, 2010

Simple Milk Jug Job Aid

We go through a gallon of milk a day at our house. We keep extra gallons in the basement fridge and only one at a time in the kitchen. All too often we're on the last gallon of milk and don't know it until it's too late. A Sharpie marker and just-in-time learning approach to the rescue.

Posted via email from Todd's posterous

November 8, 2010

Kids Reading Stories

Discovered a wonderful site for kids, especially those learning to read, call Smories. It's a page full of children reading children's stories directly in to the camera. And I love the story of how the idea was born:
We got the idea for during an extremely long journey in a very dirty Land Rover from the Kalahari desert in Botswana to Cape Town in South Africa... (read the rest of the story here)
Here's one of my favorite stories, Stone Soup.